2018 Summer Week 3

Mr. Rogers Neighborhood We opened Summer League in week 1 with our coolest week yet in Summer League, high for the day was just 82, last Summer the coolest day was 100 (all 6 weeks were 100-103). Week 2 was a different story at 100. Jokers have had to play in all those high temp games. The good news is that afternoon games don't take long to get warmed up. Summer League continued the trend of more teams participating in each of the JFFL leagues than the same League prior year. -Team Elite ... More

2018 Spring League Week 5

Mr. Rogers Neighborhood Looks like it'll be clear sailing for the 2nd half of our season with no rain last week or for the remaining 2 weeks. This week will conclude the regular season, and the Bowl Committee will determine the Bowl match-ups for next week after the results are in for this week. There are some interesting cross-divisional games this week PWO/Bertolotti and Young Gunz/Bull Gerbil. -It's been fun watching some new teams join the JFFL that are starting out playing at a B+/A- ... More

2018 Spring League Week 4

Mr. Rogers Neighborhood As expected it rained a little on the already soggy field in week 3. Had to move to the side of the muddy areas after so much rain/hail has poured onto our field for the last 4 weeks. Now for this week, it looks like nothing but sunshine and in the 80's, so it looks like for the first time this Spring, all 16 teams should be able to get thru their games without rain from above. -Last week, Rueb'sQin barbeque set up a table by the field for anyone who wanted to get ... More

2018 Spring League Week 3

Mr. Rogers Neighborhood We've received more rain on the field over the last 2 weeks than we did over the previous 12 months combined. That being said, we'll get the teams in this week that didn't get to play week 1, with the lightning, then we'll get back to our regularly scheduled program with all 16 teams playing after that. -Rain is currently expected during the week and possibly on game day, but we'll play regardless of field conditions this week,since we only have 3 games to play. ... More

2018 Spring League Week 2

Mr. Rogers Neighborhood After practically no rain since the Winter League about 2 months ago, rain came down on the field during the week, then it was clear on opening day of the Spring League and it was looking good for the whole day, until the next to last game between LB Ballers/Bertolotti Disposal, when the hail/lightning forced the stoppage at 345pm with 2:30 left in the first half. This game will be picked up where it left off in the form a double header later in season as will the last ... More

JFFL 2017 Winter Bowl Week 6

Mr. Rogers Neighborhood As usual, the Bowl Committee made some great match ups, with many close games coming down to the wire, with 5 of the 7 Bowl games within 1pt or 1 score until the final play. -Congrats' to JFFL Winter League Division Winners: Young Gunz, Bull Gerbil and LB Ballers. -On this final Mr. Rogers for the Winter League,the week 5 commentary was left in place for each game below, with the final result at the end. Bowl winners were Sharks, Team Elite, Dirty Goats, LB ... More

2017 Winter Week 6

Mr. Rogers Neighborhood If nothing else, this has been the most unpredictable season in years. There has been many upsets this season, more than any other season in my memory, going back to 1983. Teams have either been so closely matched or up and down from week to week that it's been hard to get a consistent handle on predictable results, which is a good thing for the JFFL, knowing that just about any team can win on any given week. Jokers consistency being the exception to this Winter ... More

2017 Winter Week 5

Mr. Rogers Neighborhood Week 4 was another week of upsets, with 4 (Young Gunz, Prime Time, Just Win baby, Sharks). 2 of the upsets led to the week 5 JFFL Bowl play-in game between Prime Time and Young Gunz. After rough starts to the season, both teams seem to have found their groove and players, both had 31 total combined players in attendance for week 4. This will be the game of the week, PT won earlier game 13-6 and yes it was every bit as close on the field as it was on the scoreboard. ... More